The Small Charity Finance List

The Small Charity Finance List

This list is a work in progress. It is a living, breathing list of all the finance resources for small charities that we signpost to regularly, with some additional recommendations by small charities and people who work with small charities. All additions welcome.

The Essentials

Where to start -   going back to first principles

Test your knowledge

You will need a budget, maybe a cashflow forecast and a cashbook to keep accounting records.  Free templates:

You will also need a set of annual accounts to file with the Commission:


And these accounts will probably need external scrutiny:

And you will also need to get on top of the financial controls:

And you will need good financial governance:

Some great charity finance books 

Build your financial confidence

Where to start with asking smarter questions

We are often told by social leaders that it can difficult to know where to start and know what finance questions to ask even. As a social leader, asking good finance questions is a super power. Below are some of our go to finance question banks:

Where to find free and affordable charity finance training

  • NCVO - Charity Finance Skills and Finance Skills for Trustees (paid)
  • Getting on Board - To infinity and beyond and Trustee Learning Programme (free)
  • Directory of Social Change - Finance for non-finance managers, financial governance for Trustees (pd)
  • ICAEW - Online finance training for trustees (free)
  • Sayer Vincent - Great range of short 1 hr sessions (free)
  • Money4You - various programmes for social leaders
  • Embrace Finance - commission a bespoke training session or book in  121 professional mentoring (pd)

Where to start with some good small charity finance blogs   and newsletters which we enjoy

Where to find general resources (that are not behind a pay wall)

Where to get top tips on reserves

Where to start with resilience and sustainability

Where to start with tax stuff

Where to start with banking

Where to start with payroll

Get some free practical support

Bring in some free expertise

Where to start with finding great volunteer support

Where to start with finding great pro bono support

Where to find professional support

Small Print

  • Working in the commons At Embrace Finance we believe the world’s problems are too tricky to resolve without sharing and learning together. Our resources are provided on a Creative Commons License basis. Please read these terms when using
  • Disclaimer Any guidance provided herewith is illustrative only and is not intended to replace professional advice. Please consult an appropriately qualified professional adviser as appropriate.
  • Third Party Disclaimer When working with Third Parties the usual caveats apply. Always due your due diligence.
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