This list is a work in progress. It is a living, breathing list of all the finance resources for small charities that we signpost to regularly, with some additional recommendations by small charities and people who work with small charities. All additions welcome.
Where to start - going back to first principles
Test your knowledge
You will need a budget, maybe a cashflow forecast and a cashbook to keep accounting records. Free templates:
You will also need a set of annual accounts to file with the Commission:
And these accounts will probably need external scrutiny:
And you will also need to get on top of the financial controls:
And you will need good financial governance:
These are not written specifically for small charities but all contain some great content that will be useful:
Where to start with asking smarter questions
Where to find free and affordable charity finance training
Where to start with some good small charity finance blogs and newsletters which we enjoy
Where to find general resources (that are not behind a pay wall)
Where to get top tips on reserves
Where to start with resilience and sustainability
Where to start with banking
Where to start with payroll
Where to start with finding great volunteer support
Where to start with finding great pro bono support
Would you like to explore small charity finance training? Let us know
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